Prayer or Practice?
Praying for yourselves; Praying for others ; is a prayer when it prays for the strength to act for others good. Its a request to strengthen yourselves and others . Strength to win over your comforts and stand for the comforts of others. Its the toughest of stand you will be taking ever. hence requires the strength from the unlimited potential of strength . And when you stand for others , it includes people whom you love, people with whom you see lots of flaws, people who dislikes you , people who loves you. It should be all the same. Hence its the toughest. If you are constantly absorbing that strength by being aware of this , you need not pray any more. Also if you practice compassion equally to all, you need not pray, you need to walk in awareness that you don't miss an opportunity to show the compassion equally to all. and when its getting tough for you, to stop and restart giving your compassion , not like something that they deserve it from you , but as a responsibility , as that's the way to go .
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