Thursday, August 29, 2013

All Glory to God; All blames to God.

I don’t see me as a victim; nor am I a convict. It happened to be my roles. A role given to me to be played every day. Then where is the question of mistake? If my ignorance is my responsibility, what’s the fun in learning? Why not we were complete, perfect beings? Perhaps there is no fun in being perfect. That’s why God also likes his imperfect beings and allowing them to learn harder ways to reach that stage of absorbing anything within you without any emotions.Enlightenment? Die everyday to live.My body is not mine, my ego is also created by this society. What’s mine? If there is nothing mine here where I am now, why I should fear to die? Die with your ego, your desires, your likings, your emotions. There is not a single commitment which can be kept forever. Everything needs to be expired some day. There is a fixed time for all. After that all changes, all dies. It cannot be killed, it dies. Some times natural , sometimes accidental by others. Suicidal in many other  cases , sometimes the combination of three ; as the time expires. What remains is the learning . A mixed feeling of what you are today , what is that your are made of ; a seasoned man , to be used for the next bigger plan. The game is on.. Life is also to be play with the sportsman spirit. Till the point you become next you for a fresh game. Some times its like levels of games; if you were successful in one level go to next , other wise play again till the time you learn to play well. Ultimately it’s the judge who decide, how fairly we played.


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