Bad is Good!
Problems and challenges have always leaded to Innovation.
When you analyze this with the non duality principle, there is nothing negative
about negative; we can see the following instances:
The main situations which we think bad, is for the co
existence of the good which we try to highlight.
It’s a give and take situation in which a patient is for a
doctor, a thief for a police, a buyer for a seller: it all revolves around on
the logic hunger vs. searching means for survival.
There is nothing meaningless created in this world as
whatever created physically is the once born in the mind as response to a
situation, which is not in one person’s control.
When we say Bad is for Good, Failure has lead to success,
Fear has lead to Protection, immorality to religion, Materiality to Spirituality,
Attachment to Detachment etc.
Have you thought about a world where there is no Crime, No
disease, No Poor, No immorality, No Hunger, No Desires, No Sins, No Scarcity ??
It means a world with No Judiciary, No Medicine, No Lenders,
No Priests, No Variety of Food, No Entertainment, No Virtue, No problems and
Challenges and hence no innovation..
Imagine what each of us would have done for a living then...
A life without any challenges would be a life without any doing/thinking!
In order to sustain a population of 7 billion.. When we see
the ways by which people earn their living..There is nothing wrong in the Bad
situation we are trying to project and there is nothing great about the Good
things we do to make a living the need of doing a good thing has emerged from
a bad situation which was inevitable for that good action to be
appreciated. If there is no comparison
how do we actually judge how much good or how much bad the situation is?? And
hence there is co existence of both bad and good situations, which leads to the
principle of non duality.
When we have to suffer with certain situations we ask why
God is So Bad?
And we often give “bad” Zero marks. But we forget that a Bad
Student is the one who proves a Good teacher. It is a potential check for the
Goodness in You..
There are Zero takers for Bad.
But GOD added this Zero to him to call him GOOD!
When we try to make a Hero out of Zero in our life by
managing the situation, we will come out as Good as God wants all of us to be.