Way to go

Friday, August 30, 2013

Turn your blues to gold- to love many; to love u.

Life seems tough at times. we question whats happening. Many a times we feel to do something about it. But its when we think about us alone. there is another side which we are not able to notice then. Probably there is a reason behind everything happening. It will take some time to unveil. But its there for sure. Issue is when we don't want to believe that and want to do something immediately to turn things around. Then you are not giving the time to universe to unveil the reason behind things. Your emotions are your problem. If you come out and see there is no problem. letting go is tough. its the toughest. One way to let it go is by diverting the energy or connecting the efforts which you may do to set your problem right to a higher goal . A goal by which not only you but lot many benefit. May be by doing that you are solving some of their problem. And eventually your problem is also solved by somebody like you who was in blue. So when you want to take care of you, you take care of others ; so that somebody else can take care of you. To love you ; love many; That's what we say we all are connected. Living in blue no body benefits ; come out and put your efforts to a higher goal  every body benefits including you. Turn your Blues to Gold- to love many; to love you.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

All Glory to God; All blames to God.

I don’t see me as a victim; nor am I a convict. It happened to be my roles. A role given to me to be played every day. Then where is the question of mistake? If my ignorance is my responsibility, what’s the fun in learning? Why not we were complete, perfect beings? Perhaps there is no fun in being perfect. That’s why God also likes his imperfect beings and allowing them to learn harder ways to reach that stage of absorbing anything within you without any emotions.Enlightenment? Die everyday to live.My body is not mine, my ego is also created by this society. What’s mine? If there is nothing mine here where I am now, why I should fear to die? Die with your ego, your desires, your likings, your emotions. There is not a single commitment which can be kept forever. Everything needs to be expired some day. There is a fixed time for all. After that all changes, all dies. It cannot be killed, it dies. Some times natural , sometimes accidental by others. Suicidal in many other  cases , sometimes the combination of three ; as the time expires. What remains is the learning . A mixed feeling of what you are today , what is that your are made of ; a seasoned man , to be used for the next bigger plan. The game is on.. Life is also to be play with the sportsman spirit. Till the point you become next you for a fresh game. Some times its like levels of games; if you were successful in one level go to next , other wise play again till the time you learn to play well. Ultimately it’s the judge who decide, how fairly we played.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Little deeds of kindness, Little words of love, Make our earth an Eden, Like the heaven above.

As I am typing this long ago by hearted quote , the tone by which I was singing this too is coming to my mind. Yes! Certain things which we did or thought , which was unclear then, makes sense to me now. Nothing goes unaccounted. The blue print of my life lived so far , is copied in the knowledge space .It cannot be wipe off. But what ever it may be, its your learning curve. Nothing to be proud of nothing to be ashamed of. A kind act return , a favour done return, a hurt given return only to show , a different path. Playing safe is not superior to experiencing by taking risk. You have better understanding. Trouble is more when things are practically learnt. But the learning is more. What gives around comes around. You should simple trust the universe and surrender to the higher self. Commit to the higher cause. Walk in awareness. Blessings follows you , when you keep blessing, kindness follows you when you are kind. God’s grace follows you, when you are less selfish. Your specific path becomes clear to you.

Why you should work hard?

Work, Creation is God. It empowers you! Creation is the result of God's imagination. Hence work is a quality of God. Hard work helps you, help many. As you help many ,you are enriched. Others are enriched. Idleness is the seat of sin or idle mind is the workshop of Evil. Not because you directly commit any, but simply you are idle in a comfort zone. You are indirectly contributing  inaction, when so many are struggling. You are not easing their job. You may not need money, you have enough comforts; then why trouble? But how much fruitful you were in life? It’s not about a social recognition. It’s about taking risk for others benefits, Sacrificing your comforts for others well being. That’s what the essence of life; service to others. The purpose of any life ;which ideally should be! Because it’s when you do well to others, your good is taken care by the Universe.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

What I learnt from the best teacher !

Nature ; when nothing was there prior all the knowledge gain would have started from the nature. I was thinking what is that I could learn from nature.

The harmony, the system and the continuity ?

The process by which all its elements go though the silent transformation ?

We are also part of nature. the principle apply to us as well.

But are we making a big fuzz out of it? rather resisting it? No use ; why to strain? We too need to flow with life; welcoming what's happening ; giving the best out of given circumstances; moving towards sunlight the energy ; trying, trying, trying, not to be in comfort zones; which may kill your life.

Plants grow from the seed, I am sure no body can select the seed to grow from. same with the case of man.The inherent characteristics remain with us. But that's how nature wants it to be! we don't have to complain or worry about it.

Human being is the most updated evolutionary product? May be we are also going through a series of R&D , towards a better product development.

Nature , when I look at it is so calm and doing its duty and moving one. Its not keen to make a mark. May be that's the adherence to the law of detachment. From a small seed, given the right circumstances it grows to a beautiful big plant/tree. It doesn't pray , it doesn't preach. It know exactly what to do. Unlike man. He needs to be taught . May be because he is not learning from nature or by the time you yourself learn, its too late compared to what you could have achieved in life ; which eventually you have to leave and go? may be today may be now, may be years later.

So basically Man is insecure about his future and hence prepare & plan for it.

This preparation and planning for tomorrow is there for all living things across the evolutionary ladder. But human being better do it. The one who could prepare and plan well is considered the best compared to others. But in the process is what life happening. It is meaningless to accumulate and live , incase we don't have a purpose in life.

So its the next question ; Purpose of Life?


Monday, August 12, 2013

Good or Bad?

Is Good Bad? or Bad , Good?

I have Money . I have the fear of it losing.
I am happy. I have the fear of it losing
I have attachments. I have the fear of it losing.

I don't have money. I desire money
I am not happy. I envy the happy ones.
I have no attachments. I crave to be attached.

I have money. I can share.
I am happy. I can share.
I am attached. I am ok to loose.

I don't have money. I am OK
I am not happy. I am OK
I have no attachments. I am Fine.

So whats Good and whats Bad?

Its an attitude to choose between full and Nil.

A Rich Person by virtue of his activities does more harm to environment.( Carbon Foot Print)
A Poor man by virtue of his activities does less harm to environment.
A Rich Person by virtue of his role in society does more economic contribution.( Money outflow & Inflow)
A poor man by virtue of his role does less economic contribution.
Both are instrumental for good and bad; And a balance could be a solution.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Prayer or Practice?

Praying for yourselves; Praying for others ; is a prayer when it prays for the strength to act for others good. Its a request to strengthen yourselves and others . Strength to win over your comforts and stand for the comforts of others. Its the toughest of stand you will be taking ever. hence requires the strength from the unlimited potential of strength . And when you stand for others , it includes people whom you love, people with whom you see lots of flaws, people who dislikes you , people who loves you. It should be all the same. Hence its the toughest. If you are constantly absorbing that strength by being aware of this , you need not pray any more. Also if you practice compassion equally to all, you need not pray, you need to walk in awareness that you don't miss an opportunity to show the compassion equally to all. and when its getting tough for you, to stop and restart giving your compassion , not like something  that they deserve it from you , but as a responsibility , as that's the way to go .

What Transforms you?

Transformation is a change from within. A conscious decision to be no longer the same again.
How can a true transformation happen? Its when a series of events happen to you and when you start thinking deep to the root cause of events happening to you which really shook you in and out.
You don't blame anybody nor the situation which led you towards a true transformation. Its a conscious action which cleanses you and others as well. Its when you know yourself a little closer than before , also from the realization of connectedness of living beings. Its sometimes detachment, sometimes humbleness , some times least harming to others and some times least comfort to yourselves.
Its choosing dharma from the influences of karma , and hence the most toughest choices you will be taking eventually for your good and a greater good for all. It never regrets the past and it surrender the future towards the cosmic plan. Its opening up to the uncertainty of life every next moment without a fear within. Its the boldness to speak truth and the meekness to admit lessons learnt in harder ways.

Transformation is possible when you are ready and will happen in the completeness of time.

Its a journey not destination as ongoing as the expansion of universal consciousness .